Wild Minds

No pre-determined course
just coincidental moments colliding
like the nail in wood struck by the workers hammer
the moment pushes you through to the other side of the event
and you pass through the change to renew
but the past has strings that need to be cut
as they cling to the moment with an emotional tack
and the only scissors you have seem blunt
and the strings much too long
too tough
and almost vital
but more like a blanket or a thumb

so you must work to cut
but no back and forth like a carpenters tenon
but straight and true
forward into the blue

But how the immature and erratic clinging nature of the mind to its moments
and it's attachment
to the inanimate
frustrates me
annoys me
forces upon me conformity
and fear
and the sense of loss
how its blind desire to remind you of moments
its wild ramblings and inappropriate associations
flashbacks triggered and lived again inspired by nothing
or something vague
something familiar
something fleeting
something dead

For what
and for who

It's a painful warmth

The meditators gain is silence
when they take that mental bull by the horns
but their loss is chaos
and chaos is better than nothing
''some people never go crazy,
what truly horrible lives they must lead''
wrote king Buk
and yes
how true

Just give me the wild free stallion of thought and all it's pro's and cons
rather than
old penned up cob

Let me witness the thoughts of the free
allow me to loose myself in natural moments

You can keep that
orderly reminiscence
anchored moment attachment to yourself

Let me ramble though the wilderness like Mcandless
feast upon reaction and sense
stumble upon moments that are beyond my influence
and settle down
to eternity


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