Until Martyn Reminded Me...

Completely forgot I had even set this up, my initial whim failing to actually get passed the point of setting up an account...

So, by way of an apology to no-one, here is one of my latest ramblings...

Bike Man

Bike man,
His strange,
glazed & red eyed look,
Kids in tow - oblivious to all except the proud ice cream reward they devour.

Teapot cosy wooly heads with denim & oversized lensed camera over shoulder.

Then nothing,
Just hiss, crash & 'Wahhh! Come on Betsy" in the distance,
As the breeze dances with my free page.

Trio of people, lady with keys,
Windlessly jangling,
Curious glances in my direction.

Kids on scooters collide,
No tears,
Biggest kid leads the way,
Then more hiss, crash and the breeze asks my hair
"Shall we?"

The horizon seems so far,
A ship,
A hulk of a ship in the distance,
Unaware of my interest,
As my eyes fall on it's twin,
Further back still.

"We gotta walk back don't forget"
A grandpa advises newly mobile scooter-grandaughter.
The years straining on his ruddy map of a face.

Then I stand,
My day has to be given back to my work,
So I join the fleshy tide,
All the way back to my car.


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